Employee Handbook
Policies and Procedures
“We are Professionals.”
Work Areas
Keep to designated work and parking areas. No parking in the upper level or going to the house.
Keep all work areas clean and organized as possible. Designated piles for pallets, debris, and good soil.
Work areas include: trucks, trailers, machines, and client job sites.
Work Hours
Work starts at 7 am unless otherwise specified.
Work ends at 5 pm unless otherwise specified.
You must take a 30 minute lunch break every day, which will be automatically deducted from your paycheck weekly.
You must take two 15 minute breaks as designated by the job supervisor during the work day.
Overtime must be approved by a supervisor.
Work Forms
Complete all Jobber or paper forms daily.
Leave notes in Jobber at the end of the day for jobs that need materials or items that may impact progress. Also include change order requests.
Service technicians must complete job notes daily.
Professionalism with Clients
Respect clients' space. (Would you accept this work or behavior at your own house?)
No spitting in front of clients.
No spitting on hard surfaces.
No cursing or profanity.
No smoking or vaping in the work area. Go to the street.
No communicating with clients. Communicating with the client is the supervisor’s responsibility. Refer all client communication to supervisor.
Stick to scope of work only. Do not find extra work to do at the job site out of the scope of work. Do not do complete extra jobs requested by the client unless given approval by the supervisor.
Follow the chain of command. If you have any questions, first speak to the job supervisor.
Use of Cellular Phones
Do not let your phone impact, detract, or distract from your work responsibilities or your performance.
Do not text while operating equipment or vehicles.
Use hands-free while driving or pull over.
Use designated restrooms only. If none are available, let a supervisor know before leaving to find the nearest restroom (i.e. gas station)
Do not use or ask to use the homeowner’s restrooms.
Tools & Equipment
Only use equipment and tools for its intended purpose, unless given approval otherwise.
No tampering with company equipment or tools for any reason.
Must wear provided or self-supplied OSHA approved safety equipment (PPE).
OSHA fines will be paid for by employees for violation of safety practices.
Any damages or broken items that occur under your care due to your negligence will result in a “you break it, you pay for it” situation.
Purchasing tools or equipment, no matter how much they cost, requires approval from your supervisor. Purchasing a tool or equipment on account without permission may result in the purchase amount being deducted from your pay.
Trucks & Dash Cameras
Must hold a valid driver’s license with no infractions and be a designated driver to operate any company vehicle.
If you are the designated driver, only operate the vehicle you are assigned to. You will be responsible to maintain and care for the vehicle you are assigned.
All dash cameras must be kept in functional condition and operational while driving. Any tampering with cameras is unacceptable and will result in driving privileges being revoked.
Do not listen to music so loudly that it will distract your driving.
No smoking or vaping is allowed inside company vehicles, failure to obey this will result in a $250.00 cleaning fee deducted from your paycheck to clean the truck.
Company Cards
Company cards are for company approved business purchases only.
Fuel cards can only be used for purchasing fuel in company vehicles.
Purchasing fuel for a personal vehicle with a company credit card without receiving approval from your supervisor will result in immediate termination.
Disciplinary Actions
First disciplinary action is a verbal warning.
Second disciplinary action is a formal write up.
Third disciplinary action is termination of employment.
Depending on the situation, you may be banned from a job site and relocated to another job site.
Drug and Alcohol use are strictly prohibited during working hours and will result in immediate termination.
How To Purchase Fuel & Materials
Elmwood Landscape provides fuel for company vehicles only and not for personal use. If you need to purchase fuel and do not have a company fuel card, you must keep the receipt to receive a reimbursement. No receipt means no reimbursement. All receipts must be turned in weekly for material or fuel that is not purchased on account.
In the event you are required to use your personal vehicle, Elmwood Landscape may provide a monthly fuel budget in your hiring documents. This fuel budget is allocated based on historical data to provide you with an adequate amount of fuel per month to complete an average workload. If you use this budget before the end of the month, you are required to pay for all fuel in your vehicle until the new calendar month.
Materials need to be purchased at Home Depot or Sprinkler World on the pro account. A job name or PO must be attached to every purchase made. If materials are not purchased on the pro account or no receipt is turned in, the amount shown on the company credit card for that transaction will be deducted from your pay. If you are purchasing a tool required to do the job, create a separate transaction and mark the PO as “Office”.
Standard PO #s are the last name of the client.
Phone sales or text to confirm sales are to be used at Home Depot or Lowes. This means that if you are picking up materials for a job at Home Depot or Lowes, you will need to go to the Pro Desk and do one of those to obtain the purchased materials.
Purchasing drinks, snacks, or any other miscellaneous items on company cards will be deducted from your paycheck.
Vehicle Care & Maintenance
A company vehicle provided to you is a privilege of your employment with Elmwood Landscape. You are responsible for maintaining and caring for the vehicle provided to you. Tools and materials in each vehicle need to remain organized and in proper working order. The vehicle should be cleaned weekly, on Fridays, to ensure a functional and professional workspace. Trash and debris should be emptied nightly. Vehicles must be locked and stored overnight at the designated area. Your vehicle will be inspected weekly by your supervisor. You are responsible to report any issues with your vehicle immediately to your supervisor so repairs can be scheduled as needed. Failure to do so will result in vehicle privileges being revoked.
Traffic Accidents
In the event you are involved in an accident, the vehicle documents are located in the glovebox.
You must take 360° photos of the work vehicle and the other vehicles involved in the accident.
You must contact your supervisor as soon as you are able to do so.
Do not leave the scene of the accident until police tell you it is okay to leave.
Payment for the police report will be deducted from the pay of the employee involved in the accident. A probationary period of 30 days will be assessed to the driver of the vehicle involved in the accident. During this period the driver will have privileges of operating company vehicles revoked. In the event the employee is found to be at fault, repercussions will be made and employment may be terminated.
Job site Accident and Injury: Worker’s Compensation
If you or someone on the job sustains a life-threatening injury, immediately call 911 then contact your supervisor. If the injury is less severe, but medical attention from a professional is required, perform basic first aid then contact your supervisor immediately after that. For all other minor injuries, please use the first aid kits found in each vehicle.
Written assessment of the accident/injury must be provided by the supervisor within 48 hours of said incidence.
Please speak with your supervisor regarding use of your worker’s compensation benefit.
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Eye protection, hearing protection, and hand & foot protection must be used at all times in accordance with OSHA guidelines. Employees found operating equipment without proper PPE will stop performing work until PPE is used. Elmwood Landscape will provide hearing protection. Elmwood Landscape will also provide chaps to be worn while operating chainsaws.
All other equipment including gloves, boots and eye protection will need to be purchased by the employee.
Harassment and Discrimination
Discriminatory harassment is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual because of his or her race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age (40 or over), physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or because of his or her opposition to discrimination or his or her participation in the discrimination complaint process. In general, harassment is against the law when it creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment, or when it interferes with an individual’s work performance. Some examples of conduct that might constitute harassment include:
Racial epithets, “jokes,” offensive or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical conduct based on an individual’s race/color
Ethnic slurs, workplace graffiti, or other offensive conduct directed towards an individual’s birthplace, ethnicity, culture, or foreign accent
Verbal or physical abuse, “jokes” or offensive comments based on an individual’s age, gender, disability, or sexual orientation
Making, posting, e-mailing, or circulating demeaning or offensive pictures, cartoons or other materials in the workplace that relate to race, ethnic origin, gender or one of the other protected categories listed above.
Harassment will not be tolerated and will result in a formal write up.
By signing this document you agree to and are bound by these terms while employed by Elmwood Landscape.
Your photo may be used in online advertising made by Elmwood Landscape, you give us consent to utilize photo and video content on social media platforms, google, youtube and other online or digital platforms.